Hip Hurray! My Dad Is Turning 35!

Did I say 35? Wops, my bad.. But you know how it is, when you’re young you can’t wait to get older, then you get to that stage where you just want to stay the same before you eventually get to the point where you want to kill whoever dares to mention your real age. I’m not too sure how my dad feels about his new age but if there’s one thing I know about my dad, it would be that he’d never give up on an excuse for a celebration!
And here he is, in the flesh! Fresh from our little morning call! Look at that smile.. That smile is a good example of the “thank you mimmi, you are very sweet! I wish I could talk longer but I need to go do this then that before flying to the other side of the world for some business meetings, and then do a little more of this before finally, perhaps, maybe being able to enjoy the last 8 minutes of my birthday” – smile.
This man has always been a busy man and there are truly no one out there who can actually stop him. But sometimes the busyness can take over and he can easily forget to relax and actually enjoy, even when it’s his day.

That is why I’ve decided to celebrate for him!
So, no matter where you are right now daddy, no matter what you do, you’ll know that your day is being celebrated by at least one person who loves you dearly.
If not with a room full of people, I will admit to at least half a class of wine in your name as tonight’s craziness.
There is no doubt that I have always been a daddy’s girl and will most likely stay as one for as long as I live.
What daddy does, I do (just in my own way).
With that said I want to wish you the very best on your big day and hope that you’ve managed to find at least some time to celebrate it nicely.
You’re the best and deserve a little tribute here on this page.
Love you daddy!
Happy 48th!

Time to get my kid on!

Here we go again! Guess who was woken up by two little trolls this morning.. I was! Image
Selin (5) and Sander (3) didn’t see why waking me up at 7.30 by jumping I’m my bed would be an issue, and so that’s what they did. Confused and almost scared for my life I realised the situation but can’t admit to joining the jumping…
Instead we are enjoying a relaxed 1st May morning with breakfast and fun before heading out for a day at the beach with a stop by the park.
It’s time to get my kid on and join the party! 
I am so ready for this..

Empty promises ..

Yet again.. 
Something so easy can sometimes be so hard. Whereas other times, what seems to be a mountain turns out to be nothing but a little hill. 
Life can be a riddle, there’s no doubt about that. 
Not everyone finds a way to solve the riddle..
I certainly haven’t yet.

Here we go again..

Want to know something funny? Guess who’s got infected tonsils yet again?
Me! They were infected two weeks ago and I was on antibiotics for a week, then I wake up today (a week after they calmed down) and I’m back to having a couple of golf balls hanging in the back of my mouth..
Just great! That’s the third time since February. Ergo, once every month? Is that how it works? I move to Palma where it’s supposed to be nice and hot (which it is), and suddenly I’m more ill than ever! I don’t get it.
Just thought you should know..


My Oh My!

Where did all the time go? I feel like the days are rushing and that everything is moving so quickly. So much has happened since last month, it’s crazy! Everything from moving places, having visitors and getting sick, again!
That’s right, I have moved into a different flat. Not by myself this time, I now live with four other beautiful girls. We share a massive flat in the centre of Palma, La Rambla, and I have never been happier. One thing is living in the centre, being able to walk where ever I want to go and not having to take the bus all the time. Another thing is living with other people, there is always company! I do still have my own place where I can do my own things, but it’s truly nice to have a somewhat family to share your time with.
Especially when your real family is far away and you barely see them. 
I was lucky enough to have some visitors over a few weeks ago, my mummy and granny. They came over to get some of that Palma sun and to spend a little time together. We rented a car and explored the island a little. They even helped me move most of my things over to the new flat, bless them!
One of the great things about living with other people is that you always have someone to spend time with. After meeting these girls and finally moving in with them, I feel like my life have changed and that I’m actually part of something. We hang out, go places together and make memories I will always cherish.
Ironically, my tonsillitis are infected again. Huh, I write a post about it, don’t have time to write anything else until they are suddenly infected again. Yes, ironic. Even more ironic is that I had an allergic reaction again too! It was bad. But it’s over now, thank God! My tonsillitis are still infected and I’m stuck on antibiotics for the time being. Debating whether or not to just remove them, it would make everything a lot easier, that’s for sure! I do however, worry that my voice would change. Not that I’m a particularly big fan of the current one, just scared it would change for the worse..
Oh well!

High Hopes For The New Week!

If someone were to tell me that my good angel has gone on holiday and left me with only my evil angel sitting my shoulder, making sure that bad things happen to me, I would seriously believe them! What a week!
This was me Tuesday afternoon. Stuck at work with the worst headache and sore throat in a long time. Not knowing what to do, I decided to stay home for a day to rest and get better. That didn’t really help though.. When I came back to work Thursday morning, my colleague insisted on taking me to the hospital, which turned out to be a good thing to do!
Turns out my tonsillitis were/are infected as you can see. I will tell you, this did not feel good. Not at all! Made it hard to drink properly, swallow, yawn, eat. You name it. The doctor handed me some antibiotics together with a prescription for more, which I had to buy from the pharmacy. As I returned to the office I attacked my first dose of what was meant to help me out.
Unfortunately for me, I didn’t exactly react well on the antibiotics. My throat didn’t change much, my skin however! I woke up the next morning with red spots covering most of my skin, itching like crazy.
In hopes that my pre scripted antibiotics would be a little different from the first dose, I found my way to my nearest medical centre and got a hold of what was waiting to cure me. Sadly, the medicine was the same, it was just dressed differently.
Stuck at home without really knowing what was going on was pretty annoying, and a little creepy. Unfortunately, most of the doctors I’ve met so far don’t speak english, which made me realise that I would need to depend on someone who actually speaks fluent Spanish to help me sort things. Let me just make it clear, I don’t like having to depend on others. Everything is easier when you manage to sort things yourself. But considering the circumstances, I suppose there was no way out.
Oh, and you know the best thing of it all? This was all happening on valentines day! The day where love is supposed to be all around and surprise you with roses and chocolate. Well, I didn’t get any of that, that’s for sure. The closest thing to red roses would be the red roses spreading on all over my skin.
One thing I like to do when I’m stuck at home like this, is to get everything sorted. And when I say everything, I mean everything. Anything you can think of really! Organise everything I have in my cabinet, closet, bookshelf, kitchen cupboards, everything. Even go through all my folders on my computer!
This time I felt a sudden need to clean all my socks, simply because I felt that they needed some refreshing. I’m weird, I know, but at least my socks are all clean..! 
I can’t really say I was all alone on valentines though. I had the pleasant surprise of having my mum as my loyal companion throughout the night. I also managed to sit down and actually use my facebook messenger. I am terrible at chatting with people, basically never do. Something I definitively need to improve on!
Then came Saturday and it was time to go back to the hospital to check out my reaction. After waiting for 3 hours, we spent 15 min with the doctor who sent me off with some new antibiotics and a future appointment with my local doctor to find out what I am allergic to, and if I’d benefit from removing my tonsillitis. This is going to take me forever.. I just know it!
Luckily, I wasn’t stuck at home on my own on Saturday night! As nice as my apartment is these days, it can still get just a little.. Boring. Simple as that! So glad to have met people my age around here. Next step would be to get on with learning some Spanish!
I even witnessed a protest in the middle of it all. Apparently, the government is planning on removing the law that allows abortions, which means that people would not be allowed to go through with abortions unless their life is at risk. I’m glad to see that people care and are willing to stand up for their rights.
Finally a new week with loads of potential! After a week like my previous one, you kinda want to improve in any way possible. Which is why I’ve decided to start going to a Spanish course again. Get that Spanish going!
New week, new opportunities! I stand by that.

Let me tell yah..

Whenever you move into a new flat, make sure to buy CURTAINS! Man, have I been missing out! Every morning I wake up way too early due to the insanely bright sunlight that sneaks its way in through my shutters.. But let me tell yah; no more!
So, the equipment came out, I was in gear and magic was about to be created..
Take a look at how plain and boring this looks..
Then picture me playing Bob the builder for a few minutes and…
WHOPA! Heaven breaks loose! What a difference, ehy? I mean, look at that! My home is finally a home..
Call me weird but I truly have a passion for interior and design. Whenever I’m bored I’ll start redecorating, and whenever I feel like things are in the right place, I get super excited! And of course, if things are in the wrong place, it will torture me!
I still need to get hold of a few more things before I can say that I’m completely happy with everything, but it sure is getting there! I’m loving it!
Alright, it’s time for this handy candy to get herself some beauty sleep! Sleep tight everyone and don’t let anything or anyone stop you from achieving your dreams..

Times Change..

You wanna know something I just realised? Times have really changed. I have really grown, and so have the people around me. Some were only just born, some sadly passed away, where as I .. I have only just begun to taste what life has to offer. Well, that may not be entirely true. I would say I have been pretty good at tasting whatever’s been put on my plate, but this time, I’m really changing.
And you might have guessed it, yes, most of it has to do with living on my own. Did you know that I can cook? I sure didn’t! And I keep surprising myself with delicious dishes! Did you know that I can actually manage a whole bunch of people? And not suck? I sure didn’t! I am learning all these new things about myself, which I honestly didn’t know I had in me. Things I’ve always assumed would come with the years, but hasn’t really come around until just now. And it’s pretty shocking! To think that I am going through this awakening, right now, must only mean that there are thousands, hell, millions of people going through the same thing. Huh! Pretty interesting. Or maybe not. Gosh, what wine does to you.. I’m kidding! Or am I?
I have always been mature for my age, and most times gotten away with pretending to be older. But now, it’s actually happening. I go to work every day, I come home to my own apartment every day, I cook and I clean, I change light bulbs, I get rid off spiders and other unwelcome creatures.. I make my place a home where I am the boss, where I am the leader. I have something for myself. My life. My future.
Now it is only time to decide what to really do with it.

Dear Granddad..

A year has passed since you were first diagnosed with the unfair cancer, which has now stolen you from us. One year of extreme pain and frustration. Uncertainness and suffering. That is one year too many and one incredible soul just washed away. Why you were the one to suffer from this unbelievable fate, is a an unanswerable mystery. You were simply one of the victims of this unfair hell. The fact is that life can cheat you. It can be cruel and unfair and it can harm those who deserve it the least for absolutely no reason. And you did not deserve it!
You are.. Were.. Such an amazing person. Strong, active, knowledgeable, intelligent, kind (so incredible kind), thoughtful, aware, beautiful.. The list is endless. You were such an incredible husband and father, the perfect idol and everyones hero. My hero.
Ever since I was little you have always been there to help me prepare for the big world and a life on my own. You have challenged me to succeed and you have taught me so much. No matter what project you were working on, you would always include me and show me how to do things. Anything from spading snow, building a cottage or solving mysteries.
You would sit in your chair, place us on your lap and tell the most amazing stories. You would play with us and use your special ability to make us see things we would never have realised on our own.
You taught us to believe in ourselves the way that you believed in us, and to never take anything for granted. You would take us skiing, challenge us to cross our fairs and bring us on numerous adventures.
I don’t understand why you had to go. Why you out of all people, had to suffer the way you did. You were such a beautiful soul and you had only good in you. You respected everyone enough to give them a change, and to help in any way you could. You listened enough to always give helpful advice, and your advices always meant the most.
You moved me to tears with your words at my confirmation. Your words were never only words, they were guidance and comfort.
Your presence was always appreciated and you made sure that I felt the same. You made me feel seen and acknowledged. Heard and respected for my own opinions. No matter what I would say, you would always find a way to make me feel like I made sense, and that I had what it would take to make you proud. When the truth was, you were the one that made me proud..
Dear granddad, I don’t understand why you had to leave. You have always been loved by so many, and it was not only your family that cherished you, you had a whole community relaying on you. You were not only a hero to me, but to a whole group of people. You were the kindest man to all strangers, and the most wonderful person anyone could have in their lives.
I don’t understand why my family is being washed away. We have lost countless of beautiful souls this past year, too many for me to actually realise. Then the new year kicked in and things were meant to turn. We were meant to finally be happy and look forward to our futures together. I want you in my future, and I am not ready to just let you go.
It hurts me to realise that within 7 months, I have actually gone from having 4 amazing and beloved grandparents, to only having 2 left. That is too much pain and not enough time. And now we’re out of time.
I thank you so much for being the strongest person I know. For fighting as hard as you did and for letting me celebrate such a remarkable christmas with you and the family, one final time. Family is the most important thing in life, and I feel so honored to have such a blessed and unique group of people to call my family. Your family. Ours.
I thank you for letting me spend time with you, get to know you, and for letting me tell you how much you meant to me. How much you will always mean to me and your family. I miss your smile and your gentle touch. Your kind eyes and the genuine ease you always brought with you.
Dear beloved, beautiful granddad. I miss you. So very much. I don’t want to say goodbye, not yet. I am not ready to let you out of my life and will probably never be. I know that we will be reunited on Friday, but I don’t want to say goodbye. I want to give you one final hug, and I want you to stroke my cheek like you always did. I want you to tell me your advice, to hear your voice. I want to see your smile, feel your presence.
You have always been the best, and you will be remembered by so many. You will never be forgotten and you will always be loved. This is not a goodbye. I just really miss you. We all do!
I will always try to make you proud. I love you. My dear grandfather, I truly really love you.
Yours forever, little Mimmie