Norway, I’m Coming Home!

The time has finally come! I am now at Aeropuerto de Palma de Mallorca and I’m more than ready to start my journey! My flight doesn’t leave until 5.45pm, but I came early (thanks to a colleague who was kind enough to drive me!) so that I won’t have to stress about anything.20131122-144517.jpgI was thinking I could do some maths whilst waiting, but then I noticed all the stores around here and got lost. And frankly, I’ve done enough maths to have one day off!
It feels pretty strange knowing that I’m not going to stay in this weekend. Knowing that I’m actually going to Oslo, actually going to be social again, feels great! I was literally about to explode of excitement in the car on my way to the airport. I haven’t felt this must since I was a little girl sitting on Santa’s lap! Man I’m excited! Is that clear enough?!20131122-145038.jpg20131122-145046.jpg20131122-145055.jpgSo I’ve finally said goodbye to my desk and the rest of the office, and I’m pretty sure they all know what I’m up to next. Let’s just say that I’m good at sharing.. Especially when it’s news about myself 🙂 it has been such a crazy morning though! First, I wake up to this..20131122-145418.jpgBeautiful huh? That’s the view from my balcony. And for once it was actually sunny. Until it started to rain. Again. But then, out of nowhere, it wasn’t only rain falling from the sky, it was buckshot! Buckshot in Palma? What?!20131122-145745.jpgNow, this might look peaceful or whatever, but it was crazy! It was like bulldogs scratching on the windows! I’m not exactly sure what bulldogs scratching on windows feels like, but I’m sure it’s pretty similar! Or not.. The point is, it was like something that could happen in Norway, not Palma, and it freaked me out a little.. Wuss, I know. But I’m really not! Anyways, the buckshot want on for about 2-3 hours, then it changed into pure rain before the sun came back. And decided to stay! It’s still up there, even now! Probably a sign that my trip is going to be great and successful! Or maybe the sun finally came out because it knows that I’m leaving… Nah, let’s go with the first one!20131122-150449.jpg
Here’s a little something I made for my mail box! A simple way to receive your mail without having to actually pay for it 🙂 not that you pay to receive your mail, but this way you don’t have to waste money on a mail sign. Clever huh? I know. I may look blonde, but I sure ain’t stupid!20131122-150806.jpgAnyways, I’m babbling! I’m excited! It makes me babble! It’s time I go back for some more window shopping! And some more coffee! Believe me, that cup over there was finished before the first photo was uploaded. Yup, time for some more. And then maybe some maths. Yeah maybe not. Definitely window shopping though!

See you in Norway! I’m ready for minus 10 degrees and snow!


Excited Excited Excited

Today is a big day! Today is the last day I will ever have to bring math books to work! Ever again! (hopefully..! You never know, that’s for sure!).. And I am so excited! This is the final day of hell! YES! 
As if my brain wasn’t boil over after a whole day of work, now I am finally putting an end to this! Yes, my brain might just explode one last time, but I don’t mind. Bring it on Math! 
I’m taking today by storm! 2 hours of intense math work, then go home to clean the apartment and pack my suitcase (bring all my math books of course), and then it’s on again with math. It might take me all night, but who cares when it’s the final the. The end. No more?!?!
This might be a bizarre post and I might be a very un-normal and weird person, but today, today is big. And I’m gonna make great use of the little time I have left. And then after.. It’s time to party! 
Have a great day and don’t do maths! It sucks. 

Guess where I am.. And what I’m doing ^^

Guuuuueeeeessssss what! Nothing special. Just sitting here, minding my business doing my math work. How fun is that?!ImageImage
Just spent six hours in front of my office computer. Then, as the clock turned 15.00 I logged off and found my way to the kitchen where I’ll be spending the next two hours doing maths and drinking my red bull. My only helping friend here at the moment..
Oh well, better get on with it then! 
Enjoy your freedom (if you have any..)!

My Super Fun Weekend. And More.

For those of you who had a pretty good weekend, you know, filled with laughter and social gatherings, I hope you enjoyed! I really do, because if you only knew what I was doing, you’d probably drink a few shots for me.. or many! My weekend (and most of my stay here in Palma actually) has been anything but social. Ever since I arrived here I have been dreading anything that has to do with math, yet haven’t been able to let myself have any fun in hope of that I’d come to my senses and sit down with all my work and simply go through it. Now, I’ve been here for a few months now and will honestly admit that I haven’t spent that much time on this hell (though I’ve been pretty successful in making everyone else think I have by posting pictures every time I’ve opened my books..). 
However, these last couple of weeks have been a proper hell! I have worked day in day out just trying to get through it all. Why start so late? Well, first of all, this exam was meant to be done ages ago. Years in fact! And the reason why it hasn’t been finished yet is not because I didn’t spend time on it, or failed it or just left it unfinished. No. It was the school system at my old school that show how didn’t have my name on the exam list, even though I had spoken to my guidance counsellor who said it was on there. I even had a tutor over regularly to teach me what I needed to know. (this is a year 12 exam that I was trying to get done in year 13 due to my exchange year abroad). So, my family paid a lot of money so that I would be ready to pass my exam, and I spent a lot of time studying my brain out! But no, my name wasn’t on the list and I had to wait for a year. But  you know.. Gotta do what you gotta do! And so I do 🙂 
This is how I started out on Saturday morning. All straight up strict and healthy. Image
Felt a bit stiff so I redecorated a little bit and voila! Suddenly there was loads of space to spread everything out.
Sat there for a few hours, ate some and then continues work. When the veggies were gone and my belly was moaning, I realised that the whole day had gone by and I didn’t even have any dinner to applaud myself with.. 
So I went back to my math, worked a some more and went straight to bed. Image
Woke up the next morning ready for yet another day with no social life what so ever (except for a skype session with my math teacher). Realised that I had a job to do first so I went straight to the company apartment that the company (one of them) I work for has here in Puerto Portals.
Finished the job, had a shower and then went straight back to my math books. 
Oh yeah, great fun. This has literally been my view for about 80% of the weekend. Fun fun fun! Luckily, the rain has been poring for the last 5-6 days non-stop, so I didn’t really have a desire to go outside anyways.. Also, my mother sent me this photo of my old work place. It made me realise that this math blurgh will be done in only 8 days. This means that I’ll be back in Oslo in only 3 days. Can you believe it? 3 days? Now this might sound weird coming from me, considering I never really get homesick, but I really miss home. And I mean really really! Every time I think about going back, my face lights up, my belly starts dancing and I start making all these weird noises. I just keep getting stranger along the years.. That’s a fact.
Anyways, the weekend ended and I had to prepare my brain for more than just silly math work. As I am the Translation Manager for one of the companies that I work for, I have to keep track of a lot of people at once. Hah, I know what you’re thinking. 
“Maybe you should be able to keep track of what’s in you fridge before you start keeping track of people..” 
Not what you were thinking? No? Nah, me neither.. At all.. Anyways, it’s very exciting being as you as I am and having such responsibility for such a great and big company. But it’s also a lot of work.
Speaking of work. It is crazy how people in Palma completely freak out when it rains, so does the buildings! This is a picture from the first floor in my office building. No one aloud to use the stairs. You should have seen the ground floor, a lot worse. Paper and buckets everywhere. Lights had even fallen out of the wall somehow! Must be some trouble with the electricity. Like I said, crazy!
This is from my floor. Quite a mess at the top as well!
Didn’t help me wake up though. Came in tired as a lion. Had to start the day off with a Red Bull, then add another Burn as I was about to start on my math in the office kitchen.
Funny thing I just realised btw. My computer has a name. It’s Tom, like my dad. Fun.
Well well, enough with the babbeling and back to the scribbling. Time for some more math, and maybe even another session with my math teacher? Yes, I do realise that it’s 10pm, but he doesn’t finish work until now and frankly, I just have to keep working no matter what if I want to get this exam over with but still get an ok grade. So suck it in Ems!
 I am really happy about this weekend though! Even though it sucks having to stay off the social radar, it did feel kind of great getting 60 pages of maths off my shoulders! I even understood more or less everything I went through! Guess I’m not as blonde as I might look..!
Enough now. Enjoy your Tuesday evening / night. And if you happen to be in Oslo next week, give me a call or text and maybe we could meet up! In need some socialising! Desperately!


Happy 20th Kristina!

Time for another birthday girl! This is my very special Darling Sister Slovakia, Kristina Figurova who is turning 20 today! It’s incredible how time truly flies sometimes! I still remember all the moments we shared whilst living together in the same room for a year in beautiful England! A year together as close and intimate as we were, that sure makes a solid base for very special feelings and emotions! Darling, I miss you like crazy and I still love you like my own sister. If only I could go back in time sometimes! I hope we’ll find a way to reunite and head back to Hailsham to our wonderful Swaine family ❤ 

I am so incredible proud of how far you’ve come and how well you’re doing. You have always been a great role model and I will always be your number one fan! 
Love you!


My Very Hectic Week (s)

My math exam is coming up and unless you follow me on instagram or facebook, you might not already know. Just to give you a little  feel of how intense it has been, I’ve been kind enough to take a photo every now and then when the math books come up..

Oh yes! I’ve been the most boring and unsocial person these last couple of months. Working two jobs, doing maths plus trying to learn Spanish..! Well, it did get just a little too much and I had to put Spanish on hold. And I have to admit, I might have worked a lot on this s***, but hours doesn’t count. I have had days where I’ve literally spent hours on two simple tasks, simply because my brain had has enough already. I shouldn’t have to do this, it is silly!
It’s not so much that I find it difficult, I actually do like math. It’s more that it takes up so much of my time when I should spend it on absolutely everything else. So yes, I have had my struggles but skyping with my math tutor (finally!) made a big difference! Suddenly I had motivation and ambitions boiling over! I have brought my book to work every day, spent two hours in the office trying to get as much as possible done. Then I’ll come home and continue working even though my brain is crying for an escape. This is a picture to illustrate how my skype sessions with my math tutor go. Working out pretty well, I have to say! Image
But I honestly can’t wait! I have 98 pages left to go through, and only 8 days to go through then. So guess what my weekend will be like! Ya-ho! Now that I don’t have a social life, and won’t until this is all over, I find that I take an advantage of all the business dinners I attend. Whenever I can, I make sure I do (enjoy, that is..). But the good news is that for me to be able to pass my exam, I’ll have to go to Norway to actually do it. Which means…


I have already made plans with my tutor and I will spend most of my week in Oslo doing maths before going through with the exam on the 27th. But I am a proper multitasker and always end up doing a million things at once (which is why it is super important that I get most of the work done now before I leave) otherwise I’m pretty sure it will all get a little out of hand. You have no idea how much I miss Oslo and all my friends and family after being locked up in my apartment for months being the absolute opposite of my fun self.
And that’s why I love my job! (I love both of them, but this is referring to one of them. The “fun one”). It involves loads of dinners and different things such as not sitting in front of my computer in an office 6 hours a day. It’s exciting and challenging in a completely different way than my other job. (the “office one..”, though I have to admit, I’m pretty happy about that one too!)Image
And with all this hard work I’ve come to realise how important sleep really is. I usually go to bed at 11pm every night, otherwise I wake up tired as a .. Ehm.. Tired as a really sleepy something (can’t come up with something to associate it with.. but you get the point). Unfortunately the time has passed 11pm by an hour so it’s time for me to say night night!
May you all sleep tight and have a wonderful morning!


Hurra For Amanda!

BIG day today! My very best friend Amanda, is turning 19 today! Amanda is miles away, probably working at the brilliant coffee shop Kaffebrenneriet. (sounds familiar? I used to work there.. miss it!) But most importantly, I miss her! So incredible much! So I thought I would quickly run through facebook (now that I’ve lost all my photos on my computer.. ) and find some precious pics of the two of us..
Greatest of memories!
Bestest of love!ImageImageNo matter where, we’re there together..Image
11 years of friendship. Best friends. Not just now, this is forever.ImageBig big biiiig happy birthday from me!ImageI miss you so so much and can’t wait to finally see you again soon!
Love you babes! And happy 19th!

Finally Dinner..

What a strange start of the week.. First, I wake up super late and stress about just so that I will stand outside at the right time. Luckily, I wasn’t the only one who was late .. Then I get to the office and all the work went surprisingly well today. Peace and quiet for a change. I even managed to go through 6-7 pages of maths afterwards! (not that 6-7 pages is too much to brag about, but at least I’m trying! Only 16 days left until my exam.. Kill me now.) Anyways. I was so caught up with my math work that I completely forgot about time and missed my ride home.. Was therefore stuck with a never ending trip with mr. bus man.. Great.
Then as I come home I start preparing my dinner, but as I am about to start cooking something the gas decided to die out. No gas = no food. Tried contacting my landlord, which turned out to take about 2 hours. But then, finally, after a long day of struggles I finally finish preparing my food and can now sit down and enjoy it. At 23.30pm. Do I feel spanish yet? Neh, maybe a little!
Did spend the time wisely though, made lunch for the rest of the week! Healthy yum. Looks good, ehy mum?
ImageIt is true what they all joke about, things take time here in Spain. A fact I don’t like to adjust to (and probably never will). For example my landlord who says he’ll be there at 21.30 but show’s up at 22.30, then asks “am I late?”..! Nope, I’m not quite spanish yet. For sure. I have however strangely enough gotten used to having to buy water. Something I used to think of as a waste of money in Norway, is actually necessary to survive here. So I make sure to always try to keep this shelf full, put them in the fridge too cool them down or use them in the kettle when making tea. But when I’m cooking food I make sure to always have this bad boy ready for action! The Font Teix!

ImageOk, now I’m just jabbering! So hungry! And yay, finally dinner!ImageHappy Monday!

Father’s Day!

So today is a pretty big day.. It’s Father’s Day! Which means (used to mean anyway) that it’s time to celebrate fathers all over the world. Usually just your own, but some people like to dedicate their gratulations to all fathers out there. Maybe that’s what I should do? Or maybe not. Would be a bit weird if I went up to a random man and said “happy father’s day, thank you for being such a great father!” (then it turns out he doesn’t have kids.. Big fail!) Neh, I think I’ll pass on that one. 
ImageWhat I would like to do is to thank my wonderful father and beautiful grandfather for being such great role models and helping me through life by guiding me in the right direction and letting me know what’s wrong and what’s right. I can’t say that I’ve always listened, but I sure have learned a lot! My current situation for example. I am living in spain, on my own as a 19 year old. I am a translation manager who has renovated my own flat all by my self. Without the influence of my father, I would never be where I am today. And without the influence of my grandfather I would never have managed to renovate my flat with confidence and actually succeed in the way that I have. This is obviously only one tiny example, I have plenty of others but will spare you the soppy stories..ImageThe matter of the fact is that I feel that I’ve succeeded in life so far, and these two people have done so much to help me to where I am today. Which is why I want to thank them. With all my heart, with all my thoughts, with all my time and with all that I have! Thank you Tom (father) and thank you Tor (grandfather). You have helped make my life the best it can be and I am forever grateful! Now I know how time flies and I wish I was able to spend more time with you both. However, my mind is filled with amazing memories which will last me a lifetime..
On a more serious note.. You are both such hardworking people who are terrible at finding time to relax and just breathe. You both deserve a long holiday where you wouldn’t have to do anything but enjoy! We have been through so many struggles already and time really is passing by faster than I realise. You would think that with all the pain we have been through, there would be nothing left to beat us down. I guess it has proven us wrong.. I just hope you both know that no matter how far away I am, I will never not think about and I will never not care! You mean more to me than I will ever be able to write in a silly blog post and just know that you will never lose me. Times have been tough, but it has left us with experiences that makes us stronger and closer together.
I love you both so very much and again, Happy Father’s day!
Love from you young but so very bright, Mimmi

My Day

Guess what… I’m happy and healthy again! The fever is gone and so are my days tucked up in the bed with no intention of getting out! At least for now, no more fever and no more glourch! Yay!
Woke up to a pleasant surprise today! As soon as I got out of bed my father called me, then I skyped with my mother and sister before my grandmother decided it was her turn to get some attention. I must say, I was flattered that so many wanted to talk to me (even though they are all family, it is still nice to have people calling and skyping!). After all the talking was over, I thought it was time to get on with my day and make something out of it. So I went ahead and clean up the whole freaking place. Then I got hungry and settled for a smoothie. Have to tell you though, it takes time to make smoothies, at least if you do it from scratch with fresh fruits. This is how I got on with it ..:
First things first, cut up the fruit
(this takes forever! Especially if you are being distracted by something you’re watching on your computer.. Maybe that’s why it took so long?)
Then you mix everything so that you blend everything together and make it “even” as I like to think of it as.. Now, next time you want to use only some of the fruit you’ll get a somewhat even amount of everything. Oh and yes, if you don’t use all of your fruit right away then you should definitively put the rest in the freezer until next time!ImageImage
You should always use something frozen when making a smoothie. And because I didn’t have any fruit to start with, I used the frozen kefir I had saved in my freezer. Clever lady, ems!
Mix it all, blend it and voila!
After spending the whole day cleaning the apartment and preparing all the healthy fruit, I reckoned it was time for a bath. My very first bath actually! It was nice! I lit some candles, turned the light off and played one of my favourite series “devious maids” whilst shaving my legs and what not. #girlie time!
After spending all this time on important (yet not) important stuff, it is time I face the math book and get through with some work. Oh yay, what a fun weekend. Friday night was sick night, Saturday night is math night. Can’t wait to see what Sunday night will be like.. Not.
Anyways, I hope you all had a wonderful night last night and keep it up tonight again! Do anything I won’t be doing, in other words, have fun! I know I won’t..
