Almost there..!

Alrighty! I am very close to actually finishing up this whole apartment project! And believe me, every day is an exciting day. I won’t say too much just now, I’ll wait a little and rather make a video of it for you guys to properly get a feel of what the flat is like 🙂
Enough said. Have a look!


A quick update!


Okei! Today is Saturday and I am ready to do some work! Here are some photos from yesterday’s work. I finally covered the rest of the bathroom! Now I just need to paint it again. And again. And again!
I also placed what I had to place in the closet, yay!ImageImage
I gave the kitchen another go with the liquid before I finished by cleaning the place up a little! Doesn’t it look shiny? Image
Still work to do, obviously, but at least for now I have a good feeling about finishing up this little project 🙂

The Constant Changes

Right, so I thought it was time to share some proper pics of what my flat looks like atm. However, let’s just recap! Remember this? (Gosh, how I love to say that!)
Looks great, huh? Hah!
Well, as you might know (if you know me), I would never be able to live in a place like this without doing something to it.. And so I did 🙂
And as always, I make sure to enjoy what I do whatever it is I’m doing. Anyways, here you see a bit of what I’m doing to the place. First of all, painting all the tiles white. May sound simple enough, but pub! It takes time! 4 layers of paint, each layer needs 12 hours to dry. Both kitchen and bathroom.
On the picture below you can see the difference between the different layers. On the top you can see the first layer, then on the bottom you can see the second one. And ofc, above the second layer you see the third layer. Suppose I need one more layer before I can call it done.
And under here you can see that the cabinet doors has been painted as well as the part under the sink.
Still need to paint a few layers of white and obviously finish the black part!Image

I’ve also painted this shelf two-three times!
And every time I’m in the apartment, the neighbour cat always pops by!ImageImage
I’ve also painted the closet, though I don’t have any good pics yet. Hopefully everything will be done by this weekend! Then I’ll be able to really start a new week with a new life 🙂

I’ll never get tired of my balcony! Just wait! That it the one thing I haven’t started painting yet..!
Anywas, I’ll keep you posted!

Night night!

Working working working..

Alright peeps! I am now working on another video for you guys, but this time it will be about the apartment that I’m moving into in only a few days (hopefully!). But before that I guess I have some other exciting news! Because… I just started at my new job! Low Cost Holidays, working in Parc Bit. Not gonna say too much about it yet but I can say that I am doing loads of translating atm. Interesting enough!
Here you see a little part of the office area. “the back yard..” in a way. And no, it’s not a pool (even though that would have been awesome!)Image
This is the office building, very fancy and cool. Very rustic, which I quite like!Image
This is how excited I was about going to work today. I can safely say that the look on that face has changed drastically as I am now tired as h***! Need sleep.Image
This is the entrance to my other office for the other job (at commerce people) which I will start working for in just a few days. Exciting! Luckily for me my two offices are right next to each other so I don’t have to wander around too much! Puh!
And here are some pictures of the business pard area:ImageImageImage
Alright! So I’ll make sure to upload another video as soon as I get the time to actually make one. Hope you enjoy popping by and that this might even help inspire those of you who are unsure of what to do with your lives. Take risks! Just don’t be too stupid ..

Night night

The Situation Is Changing

Remember this place? Yep, my new apartment. Well, it’s changing looks every day now! Especially today. I went there together with a little helper and this is what we managed to do.. Exciting!

Yikes! Look at that!

Ok, so this is how it looked when we started off..

You can see how this fan is starting to get the right colour.

Yay, that’s me working

And that’s my little helper (Titti’s husband, the father in the family I’m living with atm)Image

Here you can see that the bathroom is starting to form..

ImageImageImageImageAnd here is the rest. All the walls are turning white, finally. And that wooden part there is just about to turn black. Even magnetic, which is pretty cool.


I even got my table up and showing! 

But that’s it guys. I am so exhausted! Been working all day and barely eaten anything. But that’s how it goes when you give it your all. I now need some sleep before starting my new job tomorrow!
Even more exciting!

Ok, night night peeps!

My First Videoblog Ever!

Alright people. It has come to that point where photos are not enough. So I thought, now that I’m in Spain enjoying a wonderful year, why not share a few clips?
This first one is rather boring. It’s really just me blabbering (in English) but it’s a start.
So.. Here I go 🙂 Hope you enjoy!

Bilde tatt 14.09.13 kl. 09.16 Bilde tatt 14.09.13 kl. 09.17 #3

Suppose I always like to try out new things, just hope you do the same 🙂

The Current Situation

The current situation! I am now, as I’ve already mentioned, living with a wonderful family here in Mallorca. While they are working I am babysitting their kids and getting to know Palma a little better, day by day. Whilst being here I’ve managed to get some stuff done. Like finding my own place! It’s a studio flat in Cala Major. The inside of it is rather horrible atm, but there is nothing I like more than to get on with a little interior challenge. Alright! Be prepared!


Alright! This is the flat! You see those sexy green tiles? Yep, they will change colour. So will that wood plate. And the furniture? No way! Out! You can’t really see it on this picture but even the white walls are horrible! All covered in dots.


And even worse! Here is the bathroom! But the funny thing is, you might look at this and think “ugh, what a disaster”. Whereas I look at this and think “oh, what a challenge!”. And believe me, it is!


For some reason, the people who lived here before me didn’t know how to clean. Anything. Literally. So I take it upon me to really make a difference. Just have a look!







Those of you who know me probably know what a cleaning freak I am, and how I always keep it extremely tidy. Well, this whole thing is going to shine from corner to corner and I am going to make it look perf! Well, as perf as I can on the budget I am on at the moment.. So I went to the closest EUROSKI and bought myself some helpers. Then the “fun?” began.



I managed to fill three of these dirty tubs.. Yummy


And I even made the dirty pipe shine!


What I like the most about this whole project is that I get to clean and redo everything myself. That way I know that what I move into is actually clean and that all the paint and such is properly applied. Cus let me tell yah, right now it aint! (and yes, it got a little hot in there.. In my defense, the room is really tiny!)


But who can complain when this is the view for the balcony? A greater fact, I even have a balcony! Just looking at this makes me happy. Can’t wait to see what it feels like when the inside of it looks nice to! I’ll let you know soon enough!


How to get a NIE number in Palma

Ok, so I got my NIE number yesterday, which is like a personal number you’ll need if you’re planning to stay on the Island for a longer period of time. The system here in Palma is rather old, or if not old then it’s at least praying for an upgrade! Here are some photos I took to share my NIE experience.

One very important notice! NO ONE SPEAKS ENGLISH AT THIS OFFICE! NO ONE! (just thought you should know..)

Step 1.
You have to bring your passport and go to the NIE office, which is very central in Palma. It’s important to be there quite early (and by early I mean very early!) to get in and to actually get a number. The office only has a certain amount of numbers to hand out each day, so if you don’t get one at first then you’ll have to come back again. I was outside the NIE office at about 06.30 am and before me was already three people. (though I’m sure, had it been July or August it would have been a long queue already).


Ok, so here’s a photo to show you a little bit about the situation. It was very early, still very dark and the petrol station didn’t open until 07.00. I was a little scared of facing the three people outside the office as they were all men and because the office looks more like a place where drug dealers meet to deal, rather than a safe place. That is when it’s dark though! Not in bright day light. 


Step 2.
The office opens at 08.00 and people start rushing as soon as they hear the sound of keys. It’s important to get in and be one of the first. At least that’s what the other people think, rather than being nice to others.. Just saying. 

On this crappy photo above you can see the queue at 07.00. Now, it is already September and the heat is fading so less people are interested in getting their NIE number at this time of the year. But if you picture this being in July, then that black fence would have been covered of people!


Step 3.
After entering you queue up inside. You’ll get a sheet you need to fill out and a number. Then you wait until your number is shown on the screen before you go to whatever desk is available. At this desk there will be a person (who does not speak english!) who will type in the info you wrote on the sheet before handing you a new sheet plus instructions to where the bank is. You’ll have to go there to pay a certain amount of money. 

Now I barely speak a word of spanish and I had to find my way to this bank. You can barely even see it under all that orange! And if you think asking random people on the street helps? Well, it did. I got there didn’t I.. But my point is, they don’t really speak english either so you feel pretty lost. Just be prepared..


Step 4. 
After paying your amount (mine was €9,27), you walk back to the office. Right next to it is a café where they do photo copies. You’ll have to get a photo copy of your passport. 
They didn’t tell me this (or maybe they did.. in spanish!) so I went back to the office without a copy. The man behind the counter was n.o.t. very happy..!


Step 5. 
The final step. When you have your receipt from the bank and you photo copy form the café, it’s time to go back to the office and line up in yet another (but at last the final) queue. As you get to the counter you show all your papers and then receive your final paper with your official NIE-number! 

Congratulations! I suppose..


You wonder why I said this was old fashion? Well, just imagine how much time they would save on each NIE seeker if they only had a bank terminal and printer on every desk! Bank terminal and printer! That’s all! Then you wouldn’t have to walk around and get lost! I spent about an hour after entering the first time and I was lucky (because I was one of the first). But that hour could have been shorten down to 5-10 mins. Honestly! 

Oh well. It’s done and I’m through it. I even decided to treat myself with a nice breakfast and coffee (truly the cheapest I could find, not really that nice..) whilst planning what to do with my new studio flat. Then I went straight to the flat and started cleaning. But more about that another time.

I hope this helps prepare anyone who might need to get a NIE-number, or for those of you thinking about moving here. Now you know you need one and that this is how you get it. 
